Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Tea Room Will be Closed this Weekend...

To view the latest from Ridge Berry Farm visit our new blog and site!

...for very good reasons. We are going to celebrate the second family wedding in two years. As such June 6th and 7th, the Tea Room will be closed as we entertain family and enjoy the festivities. Hopefully we'll be able to post a few pics next week.

This week however was not all about the wedding. We managed to make some good progress on our Growing Dome project. Our main water tank has been drained and it is now a matter of digging....and digging.

Pondering the task at hand....it's now a matter of digging sand and gravel
in the hottest and most humid environment on the farm.
At the Tea Room, we've also made some changes. At first, we were considering opening 7 days a week for the Summer. We've decided to extend our opening days from Tuesday to Sunday. As we are getting a lot of good feedback on our baked goods and pastries, we've determined that we need at least one day to properly prepare.

We're also considering changing our menu a touch. So far we've had two pizzas (a classic and a vegetarian version) made with local cheeses, local cured meats and roasted veggies. We've come to the realization that we're really not set up to do these properly. Particularly when the restaurant is busy. As a result, we've decided to experiment with two new options. One of these is a Tourtiere, the classic French Canadian meat pie.

We've experimented with our recipes and came out with a Tourtiere that might just satisfy a lot of folks. We'll be running it as a special at first and hope to have it become part of our main menu by next week.

This first attempt at a Tourtiere worked out just right,
convincing us this might be the perfect addition to our Summer menu.

Meanwhile, the farm is covered with flowers of all kinds, some of which we have started to use in our plating.

The most surprising of all are the flowers of our perennial herbs. These are quite beautiful and the herbs not only provide a great addition to our recipes but act as a lovely ground cover in our raised beds. Previously we covered our Chives and Chervil. This week, it was time for the Sage to bloom. So we'll close this week with a picture of these beautiful and useful herbs.

Our Sage...a beautiful and useful ground cover.

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